Geographical Indications - Protection of Specialties
Do you have a regional specialty that you want to protect? We are happy to be of assistance in this highly specialized area.
One of our focuses is the protection of geographical indications and specialties. We work together with you to create a comprehensive concept and carry out registration and amendment proceedings with the relevant authorities and the EU Commission. Geographical designations can be protected by Protected Geographical Indications. First, a comprehensive concept for the framework and use of the geographical indication must be created. Once the concept has demonstrated its merits, it can be protected by way of a Protected Geographical Indication, or PGI for short. With recognition as a PGI, the following logo may be used:
The following are some examples of PGIs from Germany:
Nürnberger Bratwürste PGI, Schwäbisch-Hällisches Qualitätsschweinefleisch g.g.A, Münchener Bier PGI, Schwarzwälder Schinken PGI, Greußener Salami PGI, Spreewälder Gurken PGI, Spreewälder Meerrettich PGI, Bayerischer Meerrettich PGI, Hessischer Apfelwein PGI
Protection applies throughout the European Union and in many other countries. Above all, the PGI protects the specific know-how for producing the specialty, which has developed over decades in a geographically defined area. A similar option for raw materials coming from a specific region is the Protected Designation of Origin. Protected Designations of Origin, or PDO for short, may use the following logo:
Here are some examples from Germany:
Spalter PDO für Spalter Bier, Lüneburger Heidschnucke PDO, Allgäuer Emmentaler PDO, Fränkischer Grünkern PDO, Weideochse vom Limpurger Rind PDO